Tina Case

Voice Actor | Producer

Volt 4 Interface
Silver Series Vocal Booth
Shure SM7B Microphone
Cloudlifter Preamp
Discord & Zoom

Sample Character Reel

Spot for Heckin' Nerd

(music used: Skyscraper Samba by Scott Buckle)

918-574-4754 | tinacasevo@gmail.com


Tina Case never wanted to be an actor. It was terrifying, and not something she could ever see herself doing.However, after a brief stint in college radio, she discovered audiodramas like Welcome to Nightvale, and The Black Tapes; and decided to give it a try. Acting was terrifying; but talking to yourself (or your cat) in a padded room, and deleting your mistakes, was pretty fun.Case has acted in the audio fiction sphere off an on since 2018, and is best known for her portrayal of the unforgettable (for better or worse) Wilder, from Moonbase Theta, Out. She has also had supporting roles on various other shows, including Greater Boston, and A Ninth World Journal.Though her heart is planted firmly in the audiodrama sphere, she's started to branch out into the indie video game industry, and very recently, started performing with her local community theatre, and has been floored by the support in both communities.


Tina is a producer on Moonbase Theta, Out, and an upcoming Monkeyman Productions series called October.While still in pre-production, you can hear a sample of what the show will offer in Pumpkin Patch.She is also Lead Editor on an upcoming TTRPG system, more details on that to come.


If you're interested in working together, or just want to say hello, drop me an email- I'd love to talk!

Thank you

Thank you! I'll get back to you as soon as I can!